Setting Up HP Envy Pro 4520 Printer: Step-by-Step with 4520
HP printers, a household name, have certainly advanced in product and service offerings. With technological advancements in almost every field, HP has maintained its position among the top product and service providers. Offering unrivalled benefits and features through its products, HP has retained a leading edge among a wide range of platforms providing similar services.
Compatibility is a key factor we look for in devices like these. When it’s an added feature, it’s like the cherry on top because you don’t need to search for specific devices to make them work together. Otherwise, you’d have to find devices that can be paired with your gadgets to ensure they function properly. HP printers have great compatibility with different devices, like computers, smartphones, and tablets. This means you can easily print from any of these devices without extra setup. Whether you use a Windows PC, Mac, iOS, or Android device, HP printers work smoothly with them for easy printing.
When it comes to flexibility and versatility, each model of HP printer offers something unique. HP has taken into account the different needs users might have across various tasks in each of their printer series. You don’t always need a high-capacity printer; your printing needs and requirements can vary over time. Let us now break down this sentence for you. When we talk about printing needs and requirements, it could be for personal use where you don’t need to print frequently or in large volumes. In such cases, a more affordable printer that meets your light printing demands would be suitable. Choose a printer that fits your needs without costing too much.
Alternatively, if you’re in need of a high-capacity printer to meet specific work demands, HP offers a range of printers designed for heavy-duty use. In a business or commercial setting where exclusive and high-volume printing services are required, you’ll face diverse printing needs. During such times, it’s crucial not to compromise on speed and quality. Choosing a high-quality HP printer that aligns with your work requirements is essential for maintaining efficiency and productivity.
Hence, it is not like you can randomly pick a printer; here, you need to invest wisely. You have to understand your working needs. You have to contemplate whether you have to make this purchase for a small-scale business or a large-scale business. Moreover, for office work, the demands and capacity demanded can vary. So, choose your printer wisely, and that will suit your situation well!
HP Envy Pro 4520 Printer benefits
The Envy Pro model series of HP printers is exclusively designed for small-scale work, like personal use or small home offices. Let’s dive into the specifications of this model series and see what all they have for you. Obviously, it won’t compromise quality or speed, even though it has been designed for small-scale work patterns. It is just that they have been designed with some specifications.
With the HP Envy Pro 4520, you can print wirelessly and mobilely from PCs, tablets, and phones without the need for cords. You can control printing and scanning from your mobile device with the HP Smart app. It also features a copier for speedy copies and a scanner for papers and images. It also features a touchscreen for simple setting control.
All things considered, the HP Envy Pro 4520 is simple to operate and ideal for a range of home printing requirements. Document and photo printing are two of the many uses for the multifunctional HP Envy Pro 4520 printer. Because of its touchscreen display, wireless printing capabilities, and mobile printing options, it is simple to set up and operate. Additionally, it uses less paper thanks to its economical features, which print on both sides of the sheet.

A step-by-step setup guide for the HP Envy Pro 4520 printer.
You are now quite familiar with the uses and scope of the HP Envy Pro 4520 printer. Now all that is left is getting the printer paired with your device to begin your printing process. You don’t have to hunt for manuals and other websites to get a proper guide. HP provides a shortened URL for all its printer models to make access and the overall process easy. The URL is the start page for the setup, which provides the necessary software and drives that are important for a complete setup and configuration. Let’s see how you can proceed with the setup process. For that, consider the following steps:
- For access to all the necessary drivers and software, visit 4520.
- Unbox your printer; you will find power cords in it; connect the cord to the printer; and power up the printer.
- From there, you can first register for your account, then look for the appropriate downloads.
- Enter your printer model number, i.e., 4520, so that you get the exact files that need to be downloaded for your printer.
- After downloading, look for the file location on your device or your computer, open it, and install the software.
- After running the software, you will get to see a setup wizard that will guide you through the entire process. Just follow the steps by agreeing to the conditions and questions.
- You have the option of using a wired or wireless connection before you begin printing. Verify that your device and the printer are linked to the same network, and exercise caution while entering your Wi-Fi details.
- Once you’ve installed the software, print a test page to confirm that the printer is properly set up.
The HP Envy Pro 4520 printer is a very cost-effective and reasonable option when it comes to utilising it for small-scale work and other personal use. You can switch between the devices; you can print from your smartphones, tablets, or computer; the choice is yours. In the settings area, you can adjust the paper size and quality; you can go borderless or do bordered printing. Explore the setting area on your own and see all the qualities and features that can be embedded in your printed documents. Go for the printing of your documents, mail, and other vibrant photographs.